Andrey Listopadov

Categories / emacs

Here’s a quick rant, kinda. I’ve become a huge fan of structural editing recently. My structural editing journey was maybe a bit unusual, but I’ve finally settled on Smartparens for quite some time. Originally I was introduced to structural editing by Parinfer mode which had some Paredit functionality, so it got me interested.
For a long time, I was a fan of Hack font. It has really nice language support, great readability at a size of 9pt, and zero with a dot. I love it when zero comes with a dot. Many fonts use zero with a line, to differentiate it from capital O, but on small sizes, it is not great, however, a dot looks fine when both small and big.
Modern text editors usually operate in one instance. When I select some advanced text editor as my preferred editor in the system, I expect this to happen: I click on some files in the file manager; If there’s no editor instance opened, a new instance opens with the file ready to edit; If there is an instance of an editor opened somewhere, a file is being opened in it, and the editor is brought to me via some focus event.
This is yet another follow-up post in the Emacs configuration series, which is also about Tabs. The previous post was about how tabs behave when you close them, and how I think the algorithm can be improved. This post is more about visuals and horizontal space management.
Another little piece from my Emacs config that I’ve decided to turn into a small post, following up on previous one. This time, we’re going to make tabs work as in most graphical editors. Tabs were added with global-tab-line-mode in Emacs 27, and are pretty simple tabs, that are being displayed on the top of a window, and by default, their semantics are not very useful in my opinion.
Thought that I can share snippets of my Emacs config from time to time here, just like @clemera does on I highly recommend you to check it out, there are many great recipes and articles. A while ago I’ve added static Treemacs title to Treemacs buffer for aesthetic purposes - it adds good alignment with tabs in other windows.
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