Andrey Listopadov

Categories / random-thoughts

I spent the previous ten days on vacation. Usually, I try to go off once or twice a year to somewhere where I can just passively relax - usually, it is some sea resort. This year I decided to go to the Republic of Türkiye and spend my time at the beach without any major attractions.
So, here’s a question - when were you last excited for a new phone? Well, I mean really excited? Here’s the thing. Phones are so boring today that most retail stores show you the backside of the phone. Because from the front they all look exactly the same.
I’m not sure if this is a new thing or not, and I’m too lazy to look it up as it’s 3 AM right now, so here it is. I’ve been thinking about state machines lately, and how Clojure’s multimethods are a cool way to implement a state machine.
For quite a long time programming was my main hobby. I enjoyed it, as I felt like I was creating something (hopefully) useful, and the problems I tried to solve were making my brain-cogs turn. However, recently it seemed to change, or at least, I’m feeling my usual burnout a bit harder than usual.
There was a weird thought going over and over in my head, regarding my Emacs configuration, and it extends to the other projects I do both at home and at work. You see, my configuration is riddled with custom code, and up until recently I had mixed feelings about that.
Maybe I’m “beating a dead horse” here, but I haven’t thought about programming languages in this particular way before, so I decided to share the thought anyway: Most programming languages I know are designed like it’s still 80’s, and all we have are textual interfaces, and single-core CPUs.
This year certainly was a productive one for me. I’ve written ~40 posts, have many more in the works, made a few new projects in Fennel and Clojure, and changed more of how I spend my time overall. The last year’s recap I mentioned that I’m no longer available on most social networks - this certainly helps me keep a more healthy mental state.
The title says it all. No, really, I’m astonished at how much software is basically useless without an internet connection. Net is no longer something additional to your daily tasks, it is essential for your daily tasks. Just recently, I installed GSConnect, a GNOME addon that implements the KDE Connect protocol.
…if you’re an Emacs user, that is. You know, it’s funny, because people have opinions on why you don’t need a terminal on entirely different ends of a spectrum. It’s like that IQ chart meme: Figure 1: *That’s Visual Studio on the left, not VS Code
Not to be confused with a programming language. In this post, I would like to cover what features I think a dynamic language environment should have. Or to rephrase that, what would the environment probably have if I were to design it.
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