Andrey Listopadov

Tags / kakoune

Recently I’ve stumbled upon a video about Kakoune, a code editor: Idiot user tries to use Kakoune (for notes? Also Helix?). Funnily enough, I was mentioned in this video, which was a surprise, and made me laugh for quite a while: Let’s go back to the official plugins page.
When it comes to software I prefer things that are simple and small, even though I’m using Emacs. This is mainly the reason why my favorite languages are Clojure and Fennel. However, it doesn’t end on programming languages themselves, I like small tools in general.
Today’s topic will again be about text editing software (one of my favorite topics actually). However, instead of discussing text editors themselves, I’ll share my opinion on such things as editor-hopping. What is editor-hopping? It’s, well, when you change text editors every day/week/month/year.
While working on my previous post I was mainly using Emacs, because it has the best support for Lisp languages. It has great integration with the REPL, can run a server for my application in the background, and so on. And actually, I use this a lot while working on this blog - I run hugo process in the background to see how my page is looking.
As software engineers, and programmers, we mostly work with text, so obviously we’re all using some sort of a text-related program. Editing and navigating text is a huge part of our daily job, so a good text editor is like a good set of tools for blacksmiths.
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