Andrey Listopadov

Categories / programming

Recently I was participating in a conversation about popular programming languages and I brought up Lua. I was met with a response like this: Lua? Can you even do anything with this language? The conversation then shifted towards discussing modern dynamic languages, mostly Python, and how it gives you everything Java does without being as complicated as Java.
One thing I like about Lua is that it has a limited amount of built-in types and data structures. There are no objects, just tables. And if you need a custom behavior, a metatable can be attached to any table to extend it with custom methods that integrate with the rest of Lua runtime.
I’ve been absent for a while - you may have noticed that compared to the previous year, I posted a lot less this time. There are two closely related reasons for that. First, I felt burned out from programming. Second, I finally picked up a guitar after five or more years and started recording again.
When Clojure 1.12.0 was released in September, the release note had a lot of cool features, such as virtual threads, but one feature caught my eye in particular: support for Java Streams and functional interface support. That was just what I needed at work to port one of our internal libraries to Java, to make it easier to reuse from projects written in different JVM languages.
This is a continuation of the previous post on game development with the LÖVE game engine. I’m slowly appreciating the freedom it gives, compared to the TIC-80 experience. One of such freedoms is the fact, that LÖVE is a well-behaving console application.
I spent the previous ten days on vacation. Usually, I try to go off once or twice a year to somewhere where I can just passively relax - usually, it is some sea resort. This year I decided to go to the Republic of Türkiye and spend my time at the beach without any major attractions.
fnl-http is my current passion project - I spend a lot of free time tinkering with it, and the last week was spent on testing and fixing bugs. As you may know, I made a testing framework, called fennel-test, which has a dedicated test runner, and a set of macros for writing tests.
In the last post two weeks ago I described the process of making an asynchronous HTTP/1.1 client from scratch (minus the socket part). At the end, I mentioned that there’s a lot more to implement: Now, of course, that’s not all that needs to be implemented.
A while ago, I made a library for asynchronous programming in Fennel. It’s based on Clojure’s core.async vision of asynchronous programming using only channels. As an experiment, I’ve added a TCP support layer in that library, allowing one to create a TCP channel, and use it in the same way as a regular channel.
I’m not sure if this is a new thing or not, and I’m too lazy to look it up as it’s 3 AM right now, so here it is. I’ve been thinking about state machines lately, and how Clojure’s multimethods are a cool way to implement a state machine.
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